About Us

The Harm Reduction Exchange

The Harm Reduction Exchange aims to create awareness and dialogue on the concept of harm reduction across Africa. Its main objective is to bring together harm reduction advocates to reach a common position on reduced-risk products. The position is an engagement and communication platform to advocate for evidence-based regulation instead of banning alternative reduced-risk products. We aim to reinforce evidence of progress in public health and acceptance of better and safer alternatives for regulators and consumers.
Healthy populations are the backbone of a sustainable economy – they are more productive and less expensive for employers and healthcare systems. As measured in their national income accounts, reductions in illness and mortality are estimated to account for about 11% of economic growth in low-income and middle-income countries. However, health is still seen as a cost rather than an investment.

Over the past several decades, through improved diagnostic and therapeutic options, healthcare has experienced a revolution in innovative solutions and alternatives designed to improve life expectancy and the overall quality of life. This could significantly impact reducing the high number of diseases and deaths caused by harmful products.